
Our Differential

Field & Food Tech Hub stands out due to having created an academic RD&I network that brings together industrial governmental sectors, as well as other institutions that adhere to collectively shared objectives, aiming at sustainable scientific, technological, social and economic development. In addition to initial and continuing training of top professionals, the initial focus of Field & Food Tech Hub is Brazilian agro-industrial chains considered to be the most relevant, especially in the state of São Paulo, in which we have vast experience.

Our Mission

Our tasks, strategies, guidelines, business models and practices that constitute the concept of green and sustainable socio-scientific technologies in agro-industrial, food, beverage systems and similar areas have been established based on consolidated scientific networks, not only in chemistry, engineering, computing and medicine, but also in humanities. Field & Food Tech Hub's mission is to bring together initiatives from São Carlos regarding the design, production, distribution, consumption and management of biomass or agro-industrial chain residues and other appropriate materials so as to promote human health and the environment considering the UN sustainable development goals.

Our Vision and Values

Field & Food Tech Hub aims to be a national and international centre of excellence in green technologies and sustainability in resilient agro-industrial sectors in all aspects, from farm to fork. Thematic axes range from creating and developing to applying green and sustainable formulations as a means to avoid waste generation at all stages of a production chain. Our motto is to promote good health by producing safe and healthy food in an ethical, fair, inclusive way for all human beings. What matters to us is the means, not just the end.


It is in our nature to promote the common good through green and sustainable socio-scientific technologies from the molecular level to larger scales for food production

There is an urgent need for optimized and renewable resource use for green and sustainable production and processing systems worldwide. Many of the current food, beverage, nutraceutical, plant product and even raw materials production technologies for these sectors are responsible for many environmental problems, such as soil and water impact, toxic generation and even excess biomass which is still considered waste. To minimise or resolve these issues in order to produce inclusive, fair and solidarity healthy food for everyone, new approaches focusing on sustainable agriculture, bioindustries and biorefineries have emerged in recent decades, highlighting the work from groups at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and their national and international partners. In our case, biorefineries integrate concepts related to Green and Sustainable Chemistry including intelligent and combined agricultural processes based on the circular bioeconomy. Thus, Field & Food Tech Hub has established itself as an example in green agricultural resilience technologies, as well as processing food, beverages and other materials, adding value to by-products and co-products throughout the supply chain as a whole.


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